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Alectryon Glaber (Blume) Radlk. (Malatambis)


October 11, 2024

Shrub or tree up to 3 m high. dbh c. 30 cm: stem slightly fluted, with rather inconspicuous thick buttresses: bark smooth, pale brown to ash grey. Twigs slightly grooved to terete, up to 5 mm thick, usually early glabrescent. Leaves 2-5(-7)-jugate: petiole semiterete to terete. I 8.5 cm long, (0.5-)I-2 mm thick; petiolules 18 mm long, terete to above f lattened to hollowed with 1 or 3 ribs. Leaflets opposite (to alternate), ovate to elliptic: glabrous (to slightly hairy on the midrib and beneath on the nerves to, exceptionally, (sub)tomentose: base symmetrical to oblique, margin mainly in the upper half only slightly serrate, dentate, or crenate (or entire): apex rounded to acute: midrib above prominulous: nerves 0.5-2 cm apart, spreading to fairly steep, curved to nearly straight, ending free or in marginal teeth, or looped and joined near the margin: Inflorescences axillary, racemes, panicles, (or thyrses), up to 9 cm long, simple or with some up to 4 cm long branches, few-flowered, hairy: peduncle 0.75-2.5 cm long: pedicels 1-1.5 mm long. Sepals c. 1 mm high, subconnate. Inside hairy. Petals absent. Stamens: filaments short: anthers c. 1.2 mm long. Pistil 2- (or 3-) locular with a lobed stigma. Fruits 2-lobed and then often cordate.

Geographic Distribution

Philippines, Sulawesi, Seram, Kai Isls. Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan, Negros, Sulu Archipelago (Ubian), Mindanao, Tinago.

Habitat and Ecology

Preferably on coral limestone cliffs along the sea shore, also more inland on limestone ridges: from sea level to 1000 m altitude.

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The tree's wood may be used for light construction or fuel. Its fruits are sometimes eaten by wildlife, and in some regions, the seeds are harvested for medicinal purposes.