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Bischofia Javanica Blume (Toog)


October 11, 2024

Evergreen or deciduous, dioecious, medium-sized to fairly large tree up to 35(–50) m tall; bole straight or poorly shaped, branchless part usually short but sometimes up to 20 m long, up to 80(–170) cm in diameter, sometimes with steep buttresses up to 3 m high; bark surface fissured and scaly with small thick shaggy scales, reddish brown to purplish brown, inner bark fibrous, spongy, pink, exuding a red sap; crown dense and rounded. Leaves arranged spirally, compound with 3 leaflets, glabrous; stipules oblong triangular, 7–22 mm long, papery, falling early; petiole 8–20 cm long; petiolules long and slender, longest in terminal leaflet; leaflets elliptical to ovate, 6–16 cm × 3–10 cm, base rounded to broadly cuneate, apex acuminate, margin finely toothed, pinnately veined. Inflorescence an axillary panicle up to 27 cm long. Flowers unisexual, regular, 5-merous, small, greenish, corolla and disk absent. Fruit a globose drupe 1–1.5 cm in diameter, bluish black, with a horny to leathery skin and fleshy pulp, 3–6-seeded. Seeds oblong to obovoid, c. 5 mm long, brown. Seedling with epigeal germination.

Geographic Distribution

Natural occurrence extends from India and the lower Himalayas through China, southern Japan and tropical Asia to northeastern Australia and the Pacific.

Habitat and Ecology

Humid climate with distinct dry season. Its altitudinal range is from sea-level to 1800 m. usually found scattered in primary and old secondary forest. It is most frequent on river banks, shady ravines and prefers deep, loose soils with sufficient water content.

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Construction for beams, posts, docks, bridges and decking, and also for flooring, joinery, interior finish, mine props, railway sleepers, furniture, lining, agricultural implements, carving, pencils and billiard cue butts.